Shipping Information
Cucina & Amore ships orders from our Fulfillment Center in Richmond, CA within the continental United States only. Unfortunately, we do not ship to Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. No shipments can be made to PO Boxes.
Standard Shipping
Cucina & Amore orders are shipped via Standard Ground Shipping with United Parcel Service (UPS). Orders shipped via UPS can be tracked online. Standard Ground Shipping can take anywhere from 7 to 10 business days, depending on shipping address. Product availability and prices are subject to change. All prices for products and shipping are quoted in US Dollars.
Generally, all in-stock orders will be processed and shipped within 1-3 days upon receipt in the office. There is no guarantee of delivery times and days, but orders should be received within 7-10 business days unless specified otherwise. Please note that all items on one order may arrive in separate packages on different days. Please check all addresses carefully. Cucina & Amore guarantees delivery only to the addresses we are provided.
Standard Shipping Charges
Orders placed after 9am PST will be processed the following day. Delivery is available Monday-Friday for orders to the continental United States only. Saturday and Sunday are not considered delivery days. A special holiday schedule may apply.
Quality Guarantee
Our Cucina & Amore warehouse team takes great care in ensuring your order gets to you in the best condition. If for some reason there is an issue or your products are damaged during transit, please email for assistance.
Promotional Shipping Codes
Promotional shipping offers apply to orders that meet applicable sale amounts in merchandise before shipping/handling rates and that are shipping to a single address only. Promotions are not valid outside the 48 contiguous United States and cannot be combined with any other offer or applied to previous orders.